Tuesday 11AM Bible classes will resume next week on January 14th.
Wednesday Night Adult Class will begin a new study: The Gospel According to John. Troxley Norville will be the teacher.
Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Celebration will be on January 20 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm at Concord Baptist Church. As in previous years Blessing Bags will be prepared to distribute to the community. If you want to help prepare bags or drop bags off, bring them to Cunningham Hall in Milton. Please let Maurice know if you will come to help prepare the bags at Cunningham Hall (10am-11am).
Evangelism Classes. Please see Maurice to sign up for the Evangelism classes that will begin in this month. Space is limited.
Couples Valentines Dinner will be February 14 at Grille 151 in Weymouth. More details to come.
Singles Retreat Discounted Registration is $150 through the end of January.